About Dawn

Hi to everyone, my name is Dawn and this is my first blog for Adawnstyle. Be gentle with me. Any suggestions or comments are always welcome....
A little about Adawnstyle.... The name is obviously derived from my first name and is building into a nice little business covering sales of many things....
Being interested in more than working, such as sculpting, dolls made from many mediums, miniatures and doll houses amongst many more things, I decided to put all of me in one place.... so here I am
I want to share with whoever is interested different areas of my life, from my personal stuff to my hobbies and my business.
All of it is evolving as we speak and I hope it will grow into something very special one day to leave to my family.
My family consists of Michael, my partner, Rick, Jessica, Shane and Toby......my grown children.and Chris, Mandy and Jen - Mikes children..
Mike and I live on a farm in the wonderful Flureieu Peninsular on a Dairy Farm. I love it here, suffice to say I love being this age and away from the hustle and bustle of city life.......
My grandparents lived in another country town called Mount Barker where I spent heaps of my childhood, reveling in the same as do now, quiet, animals and fresh air, with an added addition of children.
Mike and I have 7 children between us, all grown now and only one living with us.
My oldest son has recently got married and there are grandbabies in the planning, I cant wait and will share all of that with you...even if noone reads this, I will have fun showing off my grandchildren as all Nannys do.
I have already got many items and a half done nursery happening here in readyness.....Do you think Im a little more than keen??
Anyway moving on.... as I get permission from each of the children I will upload some pictures to share with you all.....
What else can I tell you.....I am a retired nurse....I have a passion for life and like to share those passions with the people I know and especially the people who I love.....
Thankyou for reading about lil ol me and I hope you will join this blog and continue to follow the antics of Adawnstyle over the years. Oh I think Im addicted to blogging already..... I hear that can happen lol
The pleasure is all mine to bring it to you.....See you soon....